FCC\'s Consumer Guide for Closed Captioning on Television
Here is the FCC’s official web page regarding closed captioning on television. It details the FCC’s positions on:
- Benefits of Closed Captioning
- FCC Regulatory Background on Closed Captioning
- New Rules Adopted on February 20, 2014
- Existing Rules for English and Spanish Language Programming
- Exempt Programming
- Subtitles in Lieu of Captioning
- What to Do if You Experience Closed Captioning Problems While Watching a Television Program
- Finding Your VPD’s Contact Information in the VPD Registry
- Filing a Complaint
The CRTC\'s Guide for Closed Captioning on Television
Here is the CRTC’s official web page It describes the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission’s positions on:
- Quality standards for English-language closed captioning
- Should there be a distinction between mandatory standards and best practices?
- What is an appropriate lag time for captioning of live programming?
- What is an appropriate accuracy rate for captioning of live programming?
- What is an appropriate standard to ensure that captions do not block out other on-screen information?
- What is an appropriate speed for captioning of live programming and children’s programming?
- What is an appropriate timeframe within which to expect the correction of errors in live programs prior to rebroadcast?
- Should there be a mandatory standard for emergency alerts?
- In what format should captioning of new Canadian pre-recorded programming be provided?
- How should compliance be monitored?
- Should the mandate of the EN-CCWG be extended?
The document also lists related documents, footnotes and the Appendix to Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2012-362
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